Treatment expenses collected from Facebook

For a girl who was suffering from a serious disease, 38 lakh raised through Facebook. She was attack by a disease known as hypoplastic anemia since four years. it is a kind of failure of blood making system.

A committee was established to help  Ms. Om kumari pun. The amount was collected on a account of Global IME Bank, which has opened by committee. Due to the fragile economic condition of family, she was unable to transplant bone marrow, which was extremely expensive technology itself.

The Conjunctive of ‘Om kumara shanti treatment help committee’, Mr. Chandra Kumar KC reported that they used Social Networking Site Facebook along with meeting people individually. The amount 38 lakh was collected from foreign and inside country during two month period. They had prepared an appeal which posted on facebook with the picture of Om kumari. They had call for cooperation to all. Then kind hearted people actively cooperated them. As a result, they could able to collect this much money within two month.

“On the support campaign, the highest amount was collected from city Benighat.  They collected from Benighat Rs. Eight lakh, from united kingdom Rs. four lakh and sixteen thousand, from doha quatar Rs. four lakh and four thousand, from hongkong Rs. Two lakh and thirty four thousand, from Iraq Rs. Seventy nine thousand, from finland Rs. Fifty three thousand, from Denmark Rs. Thirty nine thousand and from pokhara /Kathmandu they collected Rs. Five lakh” said committee member Mr. Raj kumar  Thapa.

The brother of illness said that after collecting cooperation,  she was refered to Kathmandu Hospital and has prepared to transplant bone marrow. Hospital called her after fifteen days and estimated expenses for treatment will be Rs. Twenty five lakh. The remaining amount will be collected in a fund, which will use to help other illness later.


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