Melina Magar won the title of ‘Miss Princes Nepal 2013’

Leaving behind all twenty one beautiful talented contestant from eastern region , Melina Magar won the title of ‘Miss Princes Nepal 2013’.

Nepali artist's Rumor in Belgium.

Actress Nandita, Garima 'n Reema Gurung Rumor in Belgium.

Untrue assurance to unemployed is an offense.

These days, I read so many advertise in several National daily news paper(mostly on Kantipur)

Motivation Training.

NLG Insurance Organised Motivation Training at Bhedetar.

what we had imagined 'New Nepal'!

if all are changing, then why can’t change our country?

Our Anxious Nepal : what we had imagined 'New Nepal'.

Even the frozen snow of the mountains melts and flows down towards the sea, then again evaporates and files up to the clouds in the sky and again rains down towards the earth. Obviously, nothing is stationary in this revolving world. Silly to sensible, poor to prosperous, stupid to smart, all are getting change. “if all are changing, then why can’t change our country?” thinking so we, the powerful citizen of graceful. Nepal revolt against monarchy and became successful to give a big kick to king. Then, we brought new icons to the chairs for changing our Nepal to new Nepal.

A quinary year has passed away just with a blow, but what we got? It’s unfortunately under a question mark. Our achievement is zilch and what we got is big, very big and extremely big zero.

     On our head, there was a great responsibility of sketching then constitution, which we handed to our respected 601s. But we shockingly have realized the turning of our constituent assembly to comedy circus infact. And truly, that’s what we must deserve. Bringing the human –structured beast from jungle to judiciary and promoting monkeys to minsters, we can’t expect much better than this. Everything got spoiled and shattered indeed. Donkeys became don, looters became leaders, universities became unions, colleges became just a container.

   Gandaki became germs, Veri became virus and Bagmati became bacteria-our sacred rivers were all ruined. Market became malaria, street became scabies and court became cancer-all departments turned to be diseases of course, in the name of new, we got nothing.

   Bad is broadening and worseness is worsening-we are really in a massive trouble. Each and every sector has been victimized seriously. Home, health, education, electricity, transport, telecom- no part is free from the obstacles. Not only the demotions, we got some promotions too. In regard to promotion, hydropower projects promoted electric lines to load shedding; film­-makers promoted picture to porn;  political and underground forces promoted our survival to sufferings; leaders promoted our faith to fake…..every sweets we had got have been promoted to sours today!

   Though our development turned to destruction, we are still quite. We used to have patriotism in us, but that patriotism has turned to patience today. Though our goodness turned to guiltiness, we are still quite. We used to have honesty in us, but that honesty has turned to hindrance today. But still, why are we quite? I do have a question to quietness but answer to this also is quite!

     We became fail when we wanted to became the first; we became losers when we tried to became the lords; we became worthiness when we exercise to be the winners. Frankly, in the search of newness, we made our country nude, really a shame upon we Nepalese. And for this, the much appreciation needs to be given to our so called leaders whom we thought of being the heroes but turned into zeros. Anyway , deeply with great respect and honor from my skin to skeleton, I like to offer a big clap to the commanders, a big hug to the heroes, a big passion to the political parties and big salutation to the system, that efforted a lot to some result my yesterday’s Nepal to today’s new Nepal !

About Author:

Saurav Shrestha is a student who enjoys writing articles on various situations of society. He is our unique Contributor and have well knowledge in social field.
Follow him @ Twitter | Facebook

Untrue assurance to unemployed is an offense.

These days, I read so many advertise in several National daily news paper(mostly on Kantipur)  and some local newspaper (Purwanchal daily, Birtamode) too . The advertisement of offering job having salary fifteen to fifty thousand per month with guarantee, i wonder. The more interesting thing is  the qualification mentioned is just need SLC and need basic knowledge in computer only. The working times are also flexible. need to Work part time, only 2/3 hour daily.

Success: The hidden treasures within everyone.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill.
A lot of research has been done on subject of success and failure. The secrets of success can be learnt from the life histories of successful people. Successful people have certain qualities in common no matter which period of history they lived in, and no matter what their fields of endeavor.
    Success leaves clues if we identify and adopt the qualities of successful people, we too shall be successful. Similarly, there are characteristics, and then we shall not be failures. Success is no mystery. It is simply the result of consistently applying some basics principles. The reserves are just as true, failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly. This might sound too simplistic but the fact is that most truths are very simple. I am not saying they are easy, but they are simple.

    To some people success might mean wealth. To others, it is recognition, good health, a good family, happiness, satisfaction, and peace of mind. What this really tells us that success is subjective. Success means different people. The definition that I feel best summarizes success is:
Success is the progressive realization of worthy goal.

I like to quoted a famous quote here. "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." - Bertie C. Forbes.

Trials in life can be tragedies or triumphs, depending on how we handle them. Triumphs don’t come without effort.

 A biology teacher was teaching his students how caterpillar turns into butterfly. He told the students that in next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help the butterfly. Then they left.

The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon and against the advice of the teachers, one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn’t have to struggle anymore. But, shortly afterwards, the butterfly died.

When the teachers returned, he was told what had happened. He explained to students that it is law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen the butterfly’s wings. By helping the butterfly, the boy had deprived the butterfly of its struggled and the butterfly died.

Apply these same principles to our lives. Nothing worthwhile in life comes without a struggle. As parents we trend to hurts the ones we love most because we don’t allow them to struggle to gain strength.

SOME OBSTACLES TO SUCCESS (real or imagined)
8 Ego
8 Fear of failure/success/ lack of self-esteem
8 No plan
8 Lack of formalized
8 Life changes
8 Procrastination
8 Family responsibilities
8 Financial security issues
8 Lack of focus, Being muddle
8 Giving up vision for promise money
8 Doing too much alone
8 Over commitment
8 Lack of training
8 Lack of persistence
8 Lack of priorities

  In order to get the winning edge, we need to strive for excellence, not perfection. Striving for perfection is neurotic; striving for excellence is progress, because there is nothing that can’t be done better or improved.
 All that we need is little edge. The winning horse in race may win 5-to-10 10-to-1 odds. Do you think he is five or ten times faster than the others horses? Of course not he may only be faster by a fraction, by a nose, but the rewards are five or ten times greater.

Is it fair? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. That is the way the game is played. The same is true in our lives. Successful people are not ten times smarter than the people who fail. They may be fractionally better, but the rewards are ten times bigger. 

We don’t need to improve 100% in any one area. All you need is to improve 1% of 100% different area, which is a lot easier. That is winning edge!

 Do all of us have qualities for success? Some people feel they don’t. They stay mediocre and fail. But it doesn’t have to be that way. All of us possess each of ten qualities discussed in this chapter. The qualities may not be developed to the level that you want them to be, but they are here. We may not know that they are there, but when we find out our performing will change.

   This is like having a million dollars buried in your backward and not knowing about it. You wouldn’t be able to use it. But the moment you find out, your thinking and behavior will change, we all have hidden treasures. All we need to do is bring them to surface and use them. 

About Author:

Saurav Shrestha is a student who enjoys writing articles on various situations of society. He is our unique Contributor and have well knowledge in social field.
Follow him @ Twitter | Facebook

Twelve Foods To Keep You Fuller and Longer.

When you're trying to lose weight, cutting back on the amount you eat is a given -- but feeling hungry all the time is one of the major reasons why most diets fail within a week. Still, you can silence your grumbling stomach without consuming extra calories. In fact, eating certain foods sends a signal to your brain that you're done eating and quiets your appetite. Shut out the ice cream pint that's calling your name by eating these healthy and satisfying foods.

Chomp on an apple approximately a half hour before a meal -- the fiber and water from the apple will fill you up, so you'll eat less, says Debra Wein, RD, president of Wellness Workdays, a leading provider of worksite wellness programs.
Eating half of an avocado with your lunch may help you feel full for the rest of the afternoon, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal. Women who did that felt 22 percent more satisfied and had a 24 percent lower desire to snack three hours later than on days they ate a calorically equivalent lunch without the avocado.
Beans, Chickpeas & Lentils
Dietary pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas are protein-rich superfoods that also pack in fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins and iron. Eating more of them may also help you control your appetite. A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Obesity found that people were 31 percent more satisfied after a meal when it included pulses.

In a Penn State study, people who slurped a bowl of low-calorie, broth-based soup before their lunch entrées reduced their total calorie intake at the meal by 20 percent. "Soups can take the edge of your appetite since they take up a lot of volume in your stomach, but with very few calories," says Beth Saltz, RD, owner of
Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented foods have short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and recent research in the Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences found that they help strengthen the bond between the gut and the brain. SCFAs stimulate production of hormones that cross the blood-brain barrier and improve appetite signaling. Fermented foods also boast probiotics, the healthy bacteria that help digestion. Some experts believe probiotics may reduce appetite and aid weight loss, though research is inconclusive.
Chilli powder
You may already know that capsaicin, the compound in chilis that gives them their kick, fires up your metabolism. Recent research from Maastricht University in the Netherlands shows that adding heat to your meal may also control your appetite. The study, which was published in the journal Appetite, found that adding 1/4 teaspoon of chili pepper to each meal increased satiety and fullness. What's more, some participants were only allowed to consume 75 percent of their recommended daily calorie intake, but didn't feel any more desire to continue eating after dinner than those who were given 100 percent of their daily calories.
Dark Chocolate
When you're craving something sweet, reach for dark chocolate. Research suggests dark chocolate can help reduce blood pressure and protect the heart and brain. It's also more filling than milk chocolate and may help curb cravings for both sweet and salty foods, according to a study in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes. In fact, participants consumed 17 percent fewer calories at a meal following a dose of dark chocolate.

Starting your day with eggs will leave you satisfied until lunch. The power's in the protein: research from the University of Missouri at Columbia suggests that eating a 300-calorie breakfast made up of 30 to 39 grams of protein (think: eggs and sausage) reduces hunger pangs and increases fullness during the time between breakfast and lunch. What's more, the research revealed that high-protein breakfast eaters consume fewer calories throughout the day.
Nuts are another filling food that may help you eat less. In a British Journal of Nutrition study, obese women who paired either 1.5 ounces of peanuts or 3 tablespoons of peanut butter with Cream of Wheat cereal and orange juice felt fuller for up to 12 hours after finishing breakfast than those who didn't eat the peanut products. "Nuts are essentially designed by nature to control appetite because they're rich in healthy unsaturated fat, along with bonus protein and fiber," says Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, Health magazine contributing nutrition editor. Together, the three nutrients slow digestion and regulate blood sugar when combined with carbs like fruit, oatmeal or brown rice.
Consider ditching cereal for warm, gooey oatmeal. Oatmeal will keep you feeling fuller longer, suggests a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Participants were served 250 calories of cereal or oatmeal with 113 calories of milk. The oatmeal-eaters were satiated longer, and they also experienced a greater reduction in hunger and a decreased desire to eat compared to ready-to-eat cereal eaters. Why the difference? Oatmeal is higher in fiber and protein and also has higher amounts of beta-glucan -- the sugars that give oatmeal its heart-healthy properties, hydration and molecular weight compared to ready-to-eat cereals.

Being low on H2O can trick you into believing you're hungry. Why? The symptoms of hunger are similar to those of being dehydrated: low energy, reduced cognitive function, and poor mood. So next time you're craving an afternoon snack, drink a tall glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Chances are, your hunger pangs will pass, and you'll have saved hundreds of calories.
Whey Protein

Dairy whey -- one of the two proteins that make up milk products -- may be the most filling type of protein. According to a study published in the journal Appetite, people who drank whey protein ate 18 percent less two hours later than those who had consumed a carbohydrate drink. Use whey protein powder to give smoothies a protein punch.

Germany beats Algeria 2-1 in extra time

Substitute Andre Schuerrle and Mesut Ozil scored in extra time Monday to lead Germany over an aggressive Algeria 2-1 and into the World Cup quarterfinals.

Thomas Mueller provided a cross from the left flank that was slightly behind Schuerrle. The Germany forward dragged his leg and backheeled the ball into the far corner in the 92nd minute, leaving goalkeeper Rais Mbolhi with no chance.

Ozil added the second in the 120th, and Abdelmoumene Djabou pulled one back in injury time for Algeria.

Germany will next face France on Friday at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

Playing in the second round for the first time, Algeria was the more dangerous side in the opening half on a cool evening at the Estadio Beira-Rio, with forward Islam Slimani proving especially threatening.

Three-time champion Germany was better organized and controlled more after the break but Algeria continued to produce swift counterattacks.

It's the third match of the tournament to go into extra time, after Brazil and Costa Rica each won penalty shootouts.

World Cup 2014 Group Stage Review

The World Cup group stage passes again with it usual splendor, perennial giants seemingly collapsed, new chosen ones in their place, the stereotypical upsets, referee gaffes, miscellaneous action, and repeated history. Each group providing its two champions leaves its stamp on the tournament and its unique tale in the history of the world tournament.

The history of the World Cup provides a beautiful window into the expectations for gameplay each year. The success of European, South American, Latin American nations, etc. can be very easily predicted by their success in previous tournaments. The success of South American nations in these tournaments in South American venues is very easily compared to the success of Uruguay, who won the very first World Cup in 1930 (they were hosting, and they beat Argentina) and then again in 1950 (hosted in Brazil), the first competition held after the intermission in lieu of World War II. History has repeated itself several times throughout FIFA's governance of the World Cup and continues during this year's celebration.

In a competitive Group A, Brazil and Mexico advance over defeated Cameroonian and Croatian sides. Mexico's ability to earn a point in all three matches in the group stage reveals an incredible resiliency to this Mexican squad just months after their 2013 implosion in the CONCACAF qualifiers. Brazil, although drawing Mexico, personified the true class of group A scoring seven goals during the group stage, four contributed by Brazilian chosen one, Neymar Jr. Guillermo Ochoa provided several highlight reel saves to preserve the Mexican campaign at this year's World Cup.

In a long-winded shocker, Spain, the 2008 and 2012 European Cup winners and 2010 World Cup victors, failed to advance from their difficult group including the Netherlands, Chile and Australia. Netherlands would go onto control the group winning all three group stage matches, including a 5-1 trouncing they delivered to Spain. Strong play by long time Dutch notable, Arjen Robben, has the Netherlands playing undoubtedly their best football since their extra time defeat by Spain in 2010. Chile, impressively handled Spain as well to earn their essential second win in the group, guaranteeing that their journey continue after the group stage. Although, a minor talking point, Australian midfielder Tim Cahill turned many heads with a clear shoe-in for goal of the tournament when he beat Dutch goalkeeper Jasper Cillesseen with a cross-body, weak-foot volley.

Next week's matchups pit the teams advancing from groups A and B against each other, as Mexico faces the Netherlands at 12 p.m. on Sunday, and Brazil faces Chile in Belo Horizonte on Saturday at 12 p.m.

In Group C, we witnessed history repeat itself in a few ways. We saw a South American nation advance, Columbia doing so extremely convincingly, but we also saw Greece advance again in the most difficult fashion. Yet again, we saw the Greeks earning tough points playing their defensive catenaccio football style. Columbia, also, becomes a feel-good story, as the nation, whose heartbeat ties inherently to its national team, returns strongly to the world scene. The Ivory Coast was unable to advance, ending Didier Drogba's international career just short of the Knockout Round. Japan's run ended quite briefly as the team's evident lack of a target front man left their side with great difficulty going forward.

Group D illustrates the phenomenon of history repeating itself most evidently. In a group set for the success of two established European powerhouses, both are exited from the tournament quickly and rather unceremoniously. Both England and Italy took back seats to Costa Rica and Uruguay, as England failed to win a single match, and Italy lost a player to a quick red card, in spite of Suarez' on field antics. Costa Rica, in particular, was able to perform incredibly well on defense, surrendering only one goal in three games throughout the group stage, meanwhile they scored four goals securing first place in the group. In England's defense, they were able to play a much better brand of football that was free-flowing and played through the middle, but they were unable to preserve results for the full run time. In the next round, Costa Rica will play Greece, and Columbia plays Uruguay.

In Group E, France displayed a form that many did not expect, as they dominated their group with two wins and their third match drawn against Ecuador. Switzerland's defeat of Ecuador became essential in their quest for the Knockout Round. Karim Benzema's play was particularly high as he not only scored three goals for France, but also assisted two goals. Xherdan Shaqiri, the Swiss midfielder playing for Bayern Munich, has started a strong World Cup campaign with three goals through the group stage.

Argentina handled business as usual, calmly and assuredly capturing first in their easier group. The battle for second in Group F, easily could have fallen to either team left in the group. Bosnia-Herzegovina can certainly feel claim to second following review of an Edin Dzeko goal wrongfully disallowed for an offside position against Nigeria. The play occurred early enough that you cannot say the call determined the game, but it certainly changes the complexion of the game and group as Nigeria went on to win the match by a single goal, and eventually, second place in the group over Bosnia by one point. Next round, France will play Nigeria, while Argentina plays Switzerland in the next round.

In Group G, the officially designated "Group of Death," Germany and the United States advance. Germany, as many expected and predicted, cruised to a first-place finish in the group with two wins and a surprise draw 2-2 against the Ghanaians. The victory in the third match against the USA did not eliminate the USA, actually -- as Ronaldo's simultaneous, late-game athletics against Ghana become heroics for the USA's efforts in the group table. The USA's advancement from this group becomes a pivotal event in the growth of the sport in the country, thus the next match itself becomes even more important. The Germans will look forward to conducting business as usual in their next match.

Belgium, as expected, dominated their group with three wins in a row, handling the defensive challenge of Algeria's Feghouli and Russia's Kokorin and surrendering only one goal throughout the stage. The Belgians did win close matches, leading by a single goal each game. The Algerians managed to capture second place in the group by holding a 1-1 draw against Russia in their final group stage match. In the next round, Belgium will kick off against the United States, a reminder of the closely, cancelled pre-World Cup friendly, and Germany will play Algeria.

As the World Cup goes forward look for the continued success of the South American Nations at Brazil, the winning streaks of the Netherlands and Belgium, definitely, the continued success of the USMNT and as many goals as we have seen so far in Brazil, a happy departure from the precious commodity they were in South Africa. The games resume Saturday at noon.

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Thank you.

Bhai Tika : Last day of Tihar Festival

The last day of Tihar celebration, called ‘Bhai Tika’.  It is also known as ‘Bhai Tihar’. It is the most important day of Tihar for brother and sister. Sisters  give ‘Tika’ , clothes and special Gift, which is known as Sagun. Sagun is made from dried fruits like nuts, Kaju and Wines as well. Brothers also give ‘Tika’ and money. Where sisters pray to ‘Yamraj’, (The God of Death) for her brother’s long life and prosperity.
Brothers sit on floor and sister perform their worship. Sisters breaks of walnuts as the symbor of Death and put oil in brother’s hairs. Sister apply seven colors of ‘Tika’, which is called ‘Saptarangi Tika’.  ‘Bhai Tika’ makes close relationship between Sisters and Brothers.
Someone joins with other relatives or  friends fro Tike, if their brothers or sisters are not present  near.


Mha Puja: worshiping to self.

Mha Puja: worshiping to self. :

Mha Puja is celebrated on next day of Laxmi Puja. Newar community perform Mha Puja on night. Actual meaning of Mha: means self human body and puja means making offerings in Newari language. They believe that we should understand and respect ourself before we can understand others. Literally meaning of Mha puja is understanding, purification and strengthening to self mind, speech and body, so that we could be able to work with energy during the whole year.

This day is also the beginning of  Nepalese New Year ‘Nepal Sambat’. On other words Nepal have its own calendar, called ‘Nepal Sambat’. All the religious and social tradition are celebrated according to this calendar. 

Gai Tihar and Laxmi puja is celebrating.

Gai tihar is celebrated by worshipping cows.  Hindu mythology considered cow as a holy animal. The cow is the sign of prosperity and weatth.  Cows gives so many benefits to human beings,  not only milks, but even its dung and urine. Therefore people shows some gratefulness to the cow by garlanding , and feeding the delicious foods to cow. Cow is also  The National animal of Nepal.
Today evening Laxmi Pooja is celebrating by worshiping the goddess of wealth ‘Laxmi’ and entire house made’Dipawali’ by lighting  oil lamps, candles or electric lights on house to welcome prosperity . Some people also enjoy on fireworks. Some people explodes ‘patakha’.
During the night,  Female group go around in village singing and dancing, which is called ‘Bhailo’. They offered ‘Cell Roti’ and money as well.

Kukur Tihar is being celebrated

Today is the second day of Yamapanchak ‘Tihar’. It is known as Kukur Tihar. It is known as ‘Khicha Puja’ by NEWARS community. ‘Kukur Tihar’ is  for worship of Dogs. People feed special delicious foods, garland it with flowers ‘Maalaa’, ‘Tika’ to Dog and admit the valued relationship  between humans and domestic animal dogs. Dogs are belived as the messenger of God of Death ‘Yamaraj’.
This day is also known as ‘Narak Chaturdashi’.On ‘Mahabharat’, the hindu epic talks about the close relationship between animals like Dogs, cow and mankind.  ‘Narak Chaturdashi’ is celebrated as a part of Nepali culture . It is a symbol of philosophy of  being humans with other existing in nature by worshiping the crow, dog, cow and oxen since ancient times.  
Dogs are sincere to humans, intelligent and funny also. 
See these Videos:

First day of Tihar: “Kag Tihar”

Tihar or Dipawali is a five days long festival of hindus  celebrated in Nepal.  Tihar comes after dashain. Tihar is specially celebrated for Goddess Laxmi and known as “Dipawali”. On  the other hand it is celebrated to worship brothers for their long life. Dipawali means the festival of lights, where many twinkling lights, candles are lit in houses and makes bright at night. The Five days festival is considered to be a great importance. On tihar, worship not only God, humans, but also the animal like Crow, Cow, ox and Dog, who maintain an deep relationship with humans.
Today is First day of Tihar : “Kag Tihar”:
The first day of tihar festival is known as “Kag Tihar”. On which we worship the Crows before having meal by offering of sweets and dishes on house. The cowing of crows symbolizes sadness and grief in hindu mythology. Today We worship crows as angels of God.
Some investigation proves that Crows are very intelligent Birds.
See these videos :

Rule of Life.

In the present-day world, each one of us is called upon to face his/ her own problems. In facing the challenges of life no one can help others, neither politician nor social organizations. External environment, law of order, economic and political tranquility may be maintained for period of time, but they will never remain the same. Everything gets upset in life and we are faced with ever new problems. This is the fact of life. If we want to enter the ocean, we must be ready to faces the waves. We cannot wait on the banks until the last wave subsides as it is the just need to keep move on………
    Smooth roads never make good drivers, smooth sea never makes a good sailor, clear skies never makes a good sailor, clear skies never make a good pilot and in the same way a problem free-life never makes a strong person.

  As, the adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to give. The life is the life what we make it, always has been and always will be.

   Life is combination of both happiness and sorrowness. Good news or bad news? It depends on how you see things. You can be bitter after being cheated or you can choose to move on with your life……. With a positive outlook wide.

Once, Robert de vincenzo, the great argentine golfer, won a tournament and after receiving the check and smiling for cameras, he went to clubhouse and prepared to leave. Something later, he walked alone to his car in the parking lot and was approached by young woman.

  She congratulated him on his victory and then told him that her child was seriously ill and near death. She didn’t know how she could pay the doctor’s bills and hospital expenses. De vincenzon to that woman wishing some good days for the baby.

  The next week he was having launch in a country club when a professional golf association official came to his table” some of boys in parking lot last week told me you met a young woman there after you won that tournament.” De vincezo nooded. “well” said the official, “I have news for you. She’s phoney. She has no sick baby. She’s not even married. She fleeced you, my fren.” You mean there is no baby who is dying?” said de vincenzo. That the best good news I have heard all week” de vincenzon said.

   So if you are concerned about illness, seek treatment. If you have a personal or emotional problem, find guidance. Once you have met your problems and made a decision about them, do not let them keep eating you. Try the following simple rules. Block the worry! Learn to meet your worries and master them. Don’t let them master you. Believe, it is true and common in our life.

Ncell has discontinued all scheme based on lucky draw.

Ncell has discontinued all scheme based on lucky draw :

The Nepal’s first privately owned GSM mobile operator in Nepal ‘Ncell’ has stopped all of its current scheme. Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) has issued an interim directive to all the internet service providers (ISPs) and telecom companies not to offer the schemes based on lucky draw to promote their cusumer. The authority has also stated that those companies must stop such kind of promotional offers, if there is any. Ncell published information in daily journal that it has stopped all the current promotion schemes such as ‘Nagadma gadgad’, PRBT win Ticket plan’, ‘Premier league alerts ’ etc. The promotional campaigns has discontinued from Bhadra 30, Sunday mid night 12 PM. Ncell also informed that the eligible customer for prize during the plan will be selected by lucky draw and the selectee will be awarded as per the existing rules of the schems.

Arjun Prasad Ghimire, the Deputy Director of Nepal Telecommunication Authority, said that the directive would help to discourage the service provider from attracting the customers to spend more on their services. The imperative is applied based on the consumer’s complains. It would  appealing with the company to focus on quality service instead.  A committee has been formed by the authority to prepare the guidelines, which will regulate the service provider company from their activities to attract consumers through scheme.

Ncell broke the monopoly in telecommunication field. The communication market of Nepal was monopoly of Nepal Telecom before Ncell build a new arena in cellular telephone services. The company was previously known as ‘Spice Nepal Pvt. Ltd., established in 2004. The company has launched  as brand name ‘Mero Mobile’, which was converted to Ncell in 12 March 2010. Nepal telecommunication authority issued its license to operate both post paid and pre paid GSM mobile services in the country. Services of the company commercially launched on 17 september, 2005 in Kathmandu valley only. At present all over the country (75 district ) are covered with Ncell. The company is gradually expanding its network everywhere of the country, city area to rural areas. The common availability of SIM card in market and easy process of registration makes Ncell popular to consumer. Hence, It spread in market in smoothly in a short period of time. Swedish telecommunication company ‘Telia Sonera’ bought 80% of share and has owned the company.

The scheme announced by Ncell have good advertisement in media but most of the winner of the prizes do not public in media. Although there are too many scheme brought by company, only the few user been able to win prizes. Most of the consumer have complaints about this matter, which can be viewed in Ncell’s Facebook Fan Page here. Ncell pays the gifts to those, who uses the mobile number himself / herself. It refuse to pay to those who is using SIM registered to other’s name. The ‘Sapati’ scheme is also in controversy. The legal case is running in supreme court. Court has asked the company to show reason. You can read the case details here. Presently the Ncell company has launched too many  attractive schemes and the company has Aggressive advertisement policies.

Unemployment.: Weird condition of Country.

Unemployment is a weird condition of country in fact. The country is suffering from a huge problem of unemployment. The educated unemployment is increasing day by day. What is the bad in unemployment ? what is the bad in not working by people ? well, the unemployment condition can affect the country in both directly and indirectly. Directly affect to the person’s personal income results the purchasing power will be fall down. Those people, who are unemployed, will encounter a fall in their living standard. The numerous indirect effect appear due to unemployment conditions. The country’s economic condition become fragile, the development of country face resistance. The crime rate in society increase. In the above point of view, government is always trying to reduce the level of unemployment.

The young generation are mostly attracted to seeking jobs at overseas. Globalization has opened up a lots of opportunities for Nepali people to migrate to foreign for employment.  The trend of large numbers of youths migrate foreign is not new to Nepal anymore.  The trends initially began at the time when Maoists rebels launched a movement to recruit youths as their army. They uses them for revolution operations against government.  The weak security situation affect the economy and the unemployment highly increased. The opportunities of jobs gradually decreased. Hence the youths were compelled to migrate foreign. Most of them are in middle east Arabian countries.

Those condition of our country do not only receive remittance , but also invite many problem in society. The main problem we always hear is sex related. There are being many crimes related to sex in our society. Relation between husband and wife being corrupt due to lack of communication and understanding. Some couples parted too. Some do just shame on that. Daily news paper and Television covers those hot news. Where is our society going on ? it is Ponderable  now.

Political parties of country only uses the forces of youths according to their selfishness. Therefore creating the opportunities of employment at own country is much better. We Nepalese people have a habit of retreat to do some jobs. we need to understand that any jobs are not small and struggle  require in all fields. Therefore try to be employed in own country, even if the job is too small. Never hate any jobs.  all jobs have equally importance in the world. Satisfy in what  you have in present. Too many ambitions are dangerous. Stop talking and start doing now. Create opportunities and be employed yourself is best.

A Nepali laborer jumped to his death in Malaysia.

A 30 years old  Nepali laborer, Mr. Padam Bahadur sunar jumped from rooftop of a house to his death in Malaysia. He was from Pokhara, Nepal.  He was working there as illegally. Therefore he was preparing documents to return back to home. He directly jumped from the axis of the roof of the house, where he was living. As he jumped down, he died.
The house owner informed to Police while suddenly he was climbing to axis of building to suicide on 6 am morning. Police and rescue personnel were present in the  spot, while he was about to commit suicide but they became fail to save his life. He was bothered by a few days. He was mentally deranged about return home forcedly.  Police tried to convince him to bring down from the building more than two hours. Finally he jumped and stroke to the ground. After the first aid on the spot, he was taken to the hospital. Doctors declared his death immediately in hospital. His death body is kept in hospital for postmortem.

It is believed that he was escaped away from the company and was working as illegally at another company. Recently as Malaysian government applied a campaign to forced illegal labor to returned back to the home, they were insist to face trouble. The trouble might compelled him to commit suicide. Due to such reasons there are many Nepalese people committing suicide in foreign country every year.

Many people decide to migrate foreign country in a hope to gain lots of wealth and enjoy a luxurious life in old age but as they returned empty hand or with only death body then those situation became very painful and pathetic.

Most Read Book In The World

Most Read Book In The World :
All of us love to read a good book, but could you name the 10 most read books in the world? Over the last half century hundreds thousands of book have been produced, but only a select few have become the most popular and most read books in the world. Here i will discover some of the greatest pieces of literary work by highly talented authors.

 This is a list of the 10 most read books in the world over the fifty years. The figures shot in numbers of books printed and sold but does not take into account multiple readings of the same book.
There are few book titles that have had more copies printed than some of these books, but vast number of those books are not sold, which of course means that they did not get read.

10.Diary of a young girl by Anna frank- 27 million copies
 The dairy of a young girl is the English version book that is based on the writings from a diary, which was in hiding for two years with her family during the nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The book is now considered one of the key texts of the twentieth century.
9.Think and grow rich by napoleon hill-30 million copies
   Think and grow rich is motivational book written by napoleon hill. It is a personal development and self improvement novel that was inspired by suggestion that he received from Scottish-american billionaire Andrew Carnegie.

8.Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell-33 million copies
   Gone with the wind, a romantic drama by Margaret Mitchell. It is a set in Gerogia during the American civil war and follows the life of scarlett o’hara, the daughter of an irish immigrant plantation owner.
The novel won the coveted pulitzer prize and was adapted into a film of the same name that won an academy award
7.Twilight-the saga by Stephanie myer-43 million copies
   Twilight is the first book in an extremely popular young adult series written by Stephenie meyer. The story is about a young girl who falls in love with a vampire. This is a saga that is full of romance and action.
  She says ‘first, he was a vampire, second, there was a part of him that thirsted for my blood and third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him’
6.The da vinci code by dan brown-57 million copies
   The da vinci code is fiction novel written by American author dan brown. The story follows the investigations of Robert Langdon after a murder in the louvre musem in paris .
He discovers an intriguing possibility that jesus Christ may have been married to Magdalene and fathered a child with her. The da vinci code has been made onto movie starring to hanks.
It is about a secret society made to protect the Holy Grail.
5.The alchemist by Paulo Coelho-65 million copies
   The alchemist was published in 1987 and became a Brazilian best seller, it has gone on to sell 65 million copies world –wide, becoming one of the bestselling books in history. The alchemist has been translated onto more than 67 languages, winning the guinness world records for most translated book by a living author.
4.Lord the rings by j.r.r tolkein-103 million copies
 The lord of the rings is an epic fantasy story written by the philologist j.r.r Tolkien. The novel started out as a sequel to his earlier, far less complex children fantasy story the hobbit, but evolved into a much larger work.
The lord of the ring has been made into a film trilogy that consists of three live action fantasy epic films the fellowship of the ring, the two towers and the return of the king.
3.Harry potter by J.K Rowling- 400 million copies
   The harry potter books are a fantasy series of seven novels by British writer J.K. Rowling the majority of which have been made into action packed movies.
Children and adults alike have been fascinated by this fiction character and cannot get enough of the young hero adventures
2.Quotations from the works of  Tse-Tung by Mao Tse-Tung -820 million copies
 The quotations from the works of Mao Tse-Tung, or as it was commonly called, the little red book of Mao Tse-Tung, was a personal explanation to the people of china of the ideology of the Chinese’s communist party.
1.The Holy Bible- 3.9 billion copies
The bible still remains at the top as the most read book in the world.

The bible is the account of God action in the world and purpose with all creation. The writing of the bible was accomplished over sixteen centuries and is a quite amazing collection of sixty six books containing the messages of God.                                                                                          

The Great Legendary and popular singer Phatteman Rajbhandari has been passed away.

The great legendary and popular singer Phatteman Rajbhandari has been passed away last night in the course of treatment at Om Hospital, Kathmandu. He was suffering from lung cancer since some days. The lung cancer was diagnosed after its third stage. Therefore, the doctors were unable to save his life and passed away Monday midnight. He was receiving treatment of chemotherapy at Om hospital, chabahil.

He was 77 years old singer. He was born in 13th Mangshir 1993 BS. He have a wife, two sons and one daughter on his house. According to Mr. Pradyumna joshi, secretary at the Basu Shashi Memorial council, His dead body is taking out from hospital and it will be taken to an empty area of Pashupati old age home from 10 AM for paying last respects . After that the death body will be taken to ‘Aryaghat’ for funeral.

He is the pioneer of Nepali classical music. More than 4 hundreds classical songs have decorated with his voice and music. He has lent his voice to many songs and hymns as well. He is a highly noted radio artists. The most senior and celebrated singer Mr.Phatteman Rajbhandari  is best known for Contemporary popular songs like :
 =‘Marna baru garo hunna……………….. ‘,
 =‘Yesto pani hudo raichha jindagimaa kahile kahile…………..’
 =‘Sannaniko galaimaa kalo kothi raichh……………………..’
 =‘Banai khayo dadelole, mania khayo…………….’
And many more national songs like,
 =‘Rato ra Chandra Surya…………………….......’
He had been acknowledged by the following awards :
= ‘Sujbharajyabhisek Padak’ in 2039 BS.
= ‘Chinnalata Giti Puraskar’ in 2052 BS.
= ‘Prabal Gorkha Dakshin Bahu’ in 2055 BS.
= ‘Birendra Aishwarya Sewa Padak’ in 2058 BS.
=’Shambhu Prasad Mishra Smriti Award' in 2059 BS.
= ’Gaddhi Arohan Rajat Mahotsab Padak’ in 2059 BS.
= ‘Image Life Time Achievement Award'  in 2060 BS.
= ‘Bhupalman Singh Sangeet Puraskar’ in 2061 BS and more. would like to expresses heartfelt condolence to the mourning family. Late Phatteman Rajbhandari’s soul may rest in peace.

The Famous Songs of Late Phatteman Rajbhandari :

"Marna Baru Garo Hunna....."

"Yesto Pani Hudo Raichha........."

"Banai Khayp Dadelole............"

NLG Insurance Organised Motivation Training at Bhedetar

NLG Insurance Co. Ltd. Organized an event of motivation training at Bhedetar last week. The training was held on 12th Bhadra – 15th Bhadra 070. The trainers were Dr. Madan Bista and Sumin Tamang from Growth sellers company. They had taught us very useful things during training. They had taught us from meditation to motivation and from family care to business (Job) care. The presence of the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the company Mr. Vijaya Bahadur Shah added extra enthusiasm to participants during the training. The environment became more exaltation with the presence of Marketing chief Mr. Sunil Ballav Pant. 

The cold and joyful weather of Bhedetar added colorful enthusiasm on learning. The weather of Bhedetar amazingly supported us. Bhedetar is located on an altitude of 1420m and 16 km north from Dharan. It is a small hill area. It is said that the traveler found a lots of sheep long ago and  named as ‘Bhedetar’. Bhedetar was not originally designed for tourist. Long before when the koshi highway was made, People from hilly regions took Bhedetar as a gateway to Dharan. It is a popular hill station, where visitor are increasing.  Many years before, It was merely a bus stop for some lunch and breakfast. Later, the place developed in to a tourist area due to its favorable climate. Now a lots of Hotels established for comfortable stay.  The cold air moves in all the seasons. People also loves to observe various beautiful views from Bhedetar. It is the entrance point of Dhankuta District. It seperates Dhankuta from Sunsary. Bhedetar is developing as a Dating point for young generation and also developing as a picnic spot for people from Tarai region. There are dozens of well facilitated hotels, where a tourist expense 1-2 thousand per day. Bhedetar is a beautiful place which can’t be missed. In my review, Bhedetar is an attractive destination for holiday makers. These favorable conditions made the training far more better than it was expected. The venue of training was Hotel Arun Valley, Bhedetar-4, Dhankuta.

Through the event, workshop and conversations, the trainer taught us easier way to start something good together with individuals and communities. They trained about how to create more opportunities to connect with peoples on various places we choose, whether at work, at home or in our community. With the help of their inspiration, we are compelled to think and do about what makes us and other feel good. We are motivated to start a movement because we understood that our job, communities and individuals can together be an incredible force for good. We should apply, the theory that we have learnt, in to our daily practices to create the favorable working environment. Some drama based interpretation gave us the feeling of real opportunities on the real play in our life. Those learning were memorable and has great impact. The training would help us to develop advance concepts, ideas and strategies which may help organization to exceed the target. Those ideas can fulfill the needs of society as well. Innovation starts with understanding the needs and aspiration of people. That is why we need to put attention to the people and their purpose at the center of our way of working, which results solution that understandable to all. We invest our time and resources in our job which helps us to accelerate the career which can facilitate to create long term social change.

I felt that our vision should be clear and it should be eligible for implementation. I believed that the confidence level and creativity level have increased seemingly in all the participants by the end of this training. All involved participants have increased the level of resources to feel, do and live better in the course of training period. In my point of view the training was very very interesting, useful and fruitful. 

This article is my personal review about the training and obviously I have expectation that should not have any objection to my personal view.  This review is not authoritative on behalf of the company. The trailer of the video clips, which were taken during the program, can be  watch on my 'You Tube' channel. Only NLG staffs may contact for DVD video of the program completely free of charge. Thank You.
Contact  :
Suman Chandra Shrestha, Birtamode Branch.
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Trailer of training video :