Rule of Life.

In the present-day world, each one of us is called upon to face his/ her own problems. In facing the challenges of life no one can help others, neither politician nor social organizations. External environment, law of order, economic and political tranquility may be maintained for period of time, but they will never remain the same. Everything gets upset in life and we are faced with ever new problems. This is the fact of life. If we want to enter the ocean, we must be ready to faces the waves. We cannot wait on the banks until the last wave subsides as it is the just need to keep move on………
    Smooth roads never make good drivers, smooth sea never makes a good sailor, clear skies never makes a good sailor, clear skies never make a good pilot and in the same way a problem free-life never makes a strong person.

  As, the adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to give. The life is the life what we make it, always has been and always will be.

   Life is combination of both happiness and sorrowness. Good news or bad news? It depends on how you see things. You can be bitter after being cheated or you can choose to move on with your life……. With a positive outlook wide.

Once, Robert de vincenzo, the great argentine golfer, won a tournament and after receiving the check and smiling for cameras, he went to clubhouse and prepared to leave. Something later, he walked alone to his car in the parking lot and was approached by young woman.

  She congratulated him on his victory and then told him that her child was seriously ill and near death. She didn’t know how she could pay the doctor’s bills and hospital expenses. De vincenzon to that woman wishing some good days for the baby.

  The next week he was having launch in a country club when a professional golf association official came to his table” some of boys in parking lot last week told me you met a young woman there after you won that tournament.” De vincezo nooded. “well” said the official, “I have news for you. She’s phoney. She has no sick baby. She’s not even married. She fleeced you, my fren.” You mean there is no baby who is dying?” said de vincenzo. That the best good news I have heard all week” de vincenzon said.

   So if you are concerned about illness, seek treatment. If you have a personal or emotional problem, find guidance. Once you have met your problems and made a decision about them, do not let them keep eating you. Try the following simple rules. Block the worry! Learn to meet your worries and master them. Don’t let them master you. Believe, it is true and common in our life.


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