Success: The hidden treasures within everyone.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill.
A lot of research has been done on subject of success and failure. The secrets of success can be learnt from the life histories of successful people. Successful people have certain qualities in common no matter which period of history they lived in, and no matter what their fields of endeavor.
    Success leaves clues if we identify and adopt the qualities of successful people, we too shall be successful. Similarly, there are characteristics, and then we shall not be failures. Success is no mystery. It is simply the result of consistently applying some basics principles. The reserves are just as true, failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly. This might sound too simplistic but the fact is that most truths are very simple. I am not saying they are easy, but they are simple.

    To some people success might mean wealth. To others, it is recognition, good health, a good family, happiness, satisfaction, and peace of mind. What this really tells us that success is subjective. Success means different people. The definition that I feel best summarizes success is:
Success is the progressive realization of worthy goal.

I like to quoted a famous quote here. "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." - Bertie C. Forbes.

Trials in life can be tragedies or triumphs, depending on how we handle them. Triumphs don’t come without effort.

 A biology teacher was teaching his students how caterpillar turns into butterfly. He told the students that in next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help the butterfly. Then they left.

The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon and against the advice of the teachers, one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help the butterfly so it didn’t have to struggle anymore. But, shortly afterwards, the butterfly died.

When the teachers returned, he was told what had happened. He explained to students that it is law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen the butterfly’s wings. By helping the butterfly, the boy had deprived the butterfly of its struggled and the butterfly died.

Apply these same principles to our lives. Nothing worthwhile in life comes without a struggle. As parents we trend to hurts the ones we love most because we don’t allow them to struggle to gain strength.

SOME OBSTACLES TO SUCCESS (real or imagined)
8 Ego
8 Fear of failure/success/ lack of self-esteem
8 No plan
8 Lack of formalized
8 Life changes
8 Procrastination
8 Family responsibilities
8 Financial security issues
8 Lack of focus, Being muddle
8 Giving up vision for promise money
8 Doing too much alone
8 Over commitment
8 Lack of training
8 Lack of persistence
8 Lack of priorities

  In order to get the winning edge, we need to strive for excellence, not perfection. Striving for perfection is neurotic; striving for excellence is progress, because there is nothing that can’t be done better or improved.
 All that we need is little edge. The winning horse in race may win 5-to-10 10-to-1 odds. Do you think he is five or ten times faster than the others horses? Of course not he may only be faster by a fraction, by a nose, but the rewards are five or ten times greater.

Is it fair? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. That is the way the game is played. The same is true in our lives. Successful people are not ten times smarter than the people who fail. They may be fractionally better, but the rewards are ten times bigger. 

We don’t need to improve 100% in any one area. All you need is to improve 1% of 100% different area, which is a lot easier. That is winning edge!

 Do all of us have qualities for success? Some people feel they don’t. They stay mediocre and fail. But it doesn’t have to be that way. All of us possess each of ten qualities discussed in this chapter. The qualities may not be developed to the level that you want them to be, but they are here. We may not know that they are there, but when we find out our performing will change.

   This is like having a million dollars buried in your backward and not knowing about it. You wouldn’t be able to use it. But the moment you find out, your thinking and behavior will change, we all have hidden treasures. All we need to do is bring them to surface and use them. 

About Author:

Saurav Shrestha is a student who enjoys writing articles on various situations of society. He is our unique Contributor and have well knowledge in social field.
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