Melina Magar won the title of ‘Miss Princes Nepal 2013’

Leaving behind all twenty one beautiful talented contestant from eastern region , Melina Magar won the title of ‘Miss Princes Nepal 2013’.

Nepali artist's Rumor in Belgium.

Actress Nandita, Garima 'n Reema Gurung Rumor in Belgium.

Untrue assurance to unemployed is an offense.

These days, I read so many advertise in several National daily news paper(mostly on Kantipur)

Motivation Training.

NLG Insurance Organised Motivation Training at Bhedetar.

what we had imagined 'New Nepal'!

if all are changing, then why can’t change our country?

Info for speed up your Computer.

Here is some tips for what to do, Sometimes computer has become gradually slower to operate, response and the hard disks seems busy most of the time then the computer may need service to speed up your computer. Here are some tasks, if you perform all these eight tasks, you will feel your pc almost like new again. It can prevent your hard disk scratch from formatting and reinstalling windows again as well as it saves your valuable time, i.e. it speed up your computer.
1) Run scandisk:
Scandisk can run from command prompt, with the /f parameter for fix errors so it can repair errors to hard disk. to run scandisk :
1. Start>
2. run>
3. cmd.exe >
4. Type chkdsk /f.
5. A message "Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restart ? ". type y.
6. Then a message "This volume will be checked the next time the system restarts." Appear.
7. C:\Documents and settings\Suman>Type: exit.
That will check your computer for hard disk errors after next restart.
2) Remove Temp , history files and other junk files.:
In general use or in the course of surfing internet, computer creates lots of temporary files. While installing software, it often decompress themselves to a temporary folder, which doesn't delete itself afterwards. Large space can be used by those temporary files and is simply a waste of computer space & memory. You can use disk cleanup tool which will clean the unnecessary files. You can delete windows temporary files yourself with following command :
And use also

3) Clean system startup:

When you install new software, it will add some part itself to your system start up. Then when your computer boot up, the software become preloaded showing little icon in the system tray. This do something harm without you knowing about it. Your computer might short of available RAM, If too many things are in your start up. Which will show your computer out of memory to the hard disk and it will slow down your computer. So if you don't need preloaded any program, it is quite necessary to remove them.
To configure your start up, you can run "MSCONFIG" a program which comes with windows. You can run with following command :>
1. Start
2. Run
3. type "msconfig.exe".
Then you can configure your startup item or programs to load or unload itself when computer really works to speed up your computer.

4) Run system file checker.
if a file is found corrupted, system file checker checks the core system file then it will prompt you to insert your original windows installation CD into your CD\DVD-Room, to restore the file. The correct windows installation CD with the correct level of service pack installed is needed for correction. The most of user uses the windows XP service pack 2.
To run on windows XP:
1. click start
2. Run
3. Type: sfc /scannow.
4. Windows fine protection checks.
5. It will prompt for insert windows XP professional CD/DVD on CD/DVD ROM.
6. Insert correct CD/DVD on CD/DVD ROM.
5) Clean the registry:
The registry stores data and settings for all the hardware, software and user setting of windows and your software. After installing some programs, they don't remove their entries from registry. So the registry become like orphan, corrupt entries. In such a condition, System errors can occur because of a file specified in the registry not longer exists on the hard disk. To prevent the system errors, when software tries to access the registry, you will need to perform a repair or replace it with a recent backup.

6) Scan for and remove spyware & adware programs.
Without your knowing, Sometimes spyware or adware programs are installed, when you install a software. In hidden mode, these programs monitor your activities and surfing habits and report them back to their creators for many purpose like marketing research. These all be using up ram and CPU, while running and they are for unnecessary job completely. These programs may reporting your surfing habits and other activities to there databases. I strongly recommend to install windows XP service pack2. it contains firewall for blocking unwanted requests an unauthorized installed objects to your pc from web pages and it also have a pop up block in the internet explorer. To remove all these unnecessary software, there are several programs available .

7) Scan and remove viruses.:
I found that, it has no antivirus software installed in most of system, which i service. Therefore the system infected with many viruses as a result computer will slow down and become very unstable because the viruses instruct your computer to look for other files or emails to infect as well as they may doing work to damage your system files. if you don't have any antivirus installed on your system, there are numbers of antivirus software available. The main ways in which viruses spread were through pen drive & e-mail /internet. So, i recommend to scan the drive for viruses before use and disable the preview pane on your emails. I also advice to install service pack 2, if you are running windows XP. And install a full version of antivirus software. No one has any excuse for not to have any antivirus software installed. After scaning the computer with a latest updated antivirus software results speed up your computer.
8) Hard disk Defragmentation.:
In your hard disk, where files used to be there become a gap, when files are deleted from your harddisk. the next time, when you write a new file, the gap is filled with a part, if the new file is large and the rest part of that file will write to another gap or space. Over the period of time, the files are fragmented across the disk instead of store in continuous block. It cause the hard disk head is not continuously moving about all over the disk to read the files. Defragment of your hard disk make lots of improvement to performance.
To run Defragmentation tool :
1. Right click on the drive Letter in my computer.
2. Select- Properties.
3. Tools.
4. Defragment Now.
that's it.
Also make sure that all the hardware drivers are installed and updated on your hard disk.
After performing all these task & run all utilities, you should find your computer system has much improved performance and stability, hence it speed up your computer.

Please leave comment, if you find it useful.

How to logout Facebook from remote PC ???

Dear Friends, Sometimes you log in facebook from cybercafé   or from your friends computer and you forgot to logout. This thing may cause security problem to you. Suppose If someone log in using your account, your facebook's Personal things can be viewed by the person. So you faced security problem. But here I am going to tell you a good news for you that you can logout from facebook from remote PC. Remote logout system is a new feature, which is almost recently launched by facebook. You can logout from facebook's last session from another computer. So nobody can log in to your account anymore. To use this feature in facebook, follow the following steps :
1. Log on to facebook account, then Click on Arrow right to the Home.
2. Click on Account settings
3. Now click on security tab.
4. Then click edit on Active session tab.
 Most recent activities is showing your log in status. You can see here Active login status, which is the last season which you never logout from other's computer. The time, date & place name, browser, operating system etc. are displayed .
5. Then you click End Activity link.
Now You did it and now you are only logged in your current pc.
enjoy !!!

How to block friends on facebook?

As I wrote before, Facebook is being our part of daily life. It is building tremendous fans around the world everyday and going so well with huge traffic. It is very popular in every place, everywhere internet is available. Now a days, this is very much important to have social websites ID for meeting with friends  & share the feelings. Social websites like as facebook, twitter, myspace etc, has too many user connected to each other and being friends. I also enjoy to having a facebook account and having a lot of friends. But among them, some friends can be disturbing to you. And sometimes, we need to block those friends. Here I am going to tell about a important tips about blocking friends in facebook
Following are the step to Block friends in facebook :
1. Log on to your facebook account, then Click on Arrow right to the Home.
2. Click on privacy settings.

3. Then go to Blocked People and Apps category and click on Manage blocking.

4. Go to the Block users tab then type the desired Name or Email ID of your friend to Block.

5. Now Click on Block. That’s all.

Same way you also can Block app invites and Block event invites.
Now, with the help of this tips, you can block your disturbing friends very easily.

How to log in Facebook without Email ID ?

Dear friends, Virtual word is now our major part of real life. We can't imagine our daily life without touching "world wide web"(www). Mainly web means information & communication. Yes , here I am talking about facebook. Facebook is being our part of daily life. Now, I am going to tell about u about how to log in Facebook without your email ID. this would be very useful tips for crazy facebook user. Because whenever you need to log in facebook, you must need to give your Email Id. And of course, It is little bit annoying for you to do that. Then, You may want to know that how  Is it possible to log in facebook without Email Id?
             Yes, it is possible. Without typing your email ID, You can log in facebook.  To do that you just have to follow these instruction, It is very easy & takes a few time only.
1.  Log in your facebook account giving your email id and password.
2.  Click on a arrow just right side of Home.
3.  Account settings
4.  Click edit on  user name
5. …….."type your desire name here"………(Subject of availability )
6. Type your facebook password.
7. Click on Save setting.
8. Now log out from  facebook account
9. Log in again with your user name here(the desired name, which you type before).
You no need to give your email id just give your user name and password
You did it, enjoy!
 If you like this tips, comment here and share this post to your facebook friends._Suman.