
Suman Chandra Shrestha :
Hello, I am Chandra. Suman is my Calling name. Now a days, I am living at Birtamode, Jhapa, Nepal. I was born in 2*** BS, calculate yourself, how old am i ? Currently i am a full time employee of NLG Insurance Co. Ltd., Birtamode Branch, Since 2065 BS. I preform the role of marketing and administrative tasks for management as Branch in-charge of Birtamode Branch. My routine activities may involves in handling claims and accounts too. I am a part time blogger on my blog: http://www.jhapas.com I do blogging to share my feelings / experience and to do some different. I am the beginner in blogging. I write in simple English language, which may understandable to all. 
I like mostly Web surfing, Designing and furthermore I like literature, Photography, Video editing, Social networking. I am Romantic try to be happy anytime and Sentimental person to some extent.
Blogging has always been interest of mine. I used to spend several hours on the Internet especially in the website development sites. I really interested in the world of web and started dreaming about something to do on this field. I believe nothing is impossible in life to achieve, if you have strong determination to achieve what you want.
I hope, Through this blog, I be able to share my interest and knowledge with you. You believe and support me, I will share all my knowledge here. If anybody don't like the content of this blog, i advice him not to visit it. I don't force to visit my blog. All information of user of this blog will be secret but in abnormal conditions we may publish the Name,  email  or  I P Addresses of those users for legal action.
You can send your photos or news to publish in blog. You are welcome here anytime.

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E-mail :  shresthas111@gmail.com
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